2023 Osher Institutes National Conference

Plenary Session Descriptions


Monday, 3:30 - 4:45pm 

Welcome to the 2023 Osher Institutes National Conference
The opening plenary session provides a general orientation of the conference agenda, staff introductions, and some inspiring words from The Bernard Osher Foundation. This session includes an overview of the state of the OLLI Network as well as the first of three installments of the Woo-Hoo! competition entries.


Mary Bitterman, President, The Bernard Osher Foundation

Bernard Osher, Founder and Treasurer, The Bernard Osher Foundation

Kelly Jane Rosenblatt, Program Director, The Bernard Osher Foundation

Steve Thaxton, Executive Director, National Resource Center for Osher Institutes


Tuesday, 12:30 - 1:30pm

Keynote Address: The Power of Cogeneration

As life lengthened for many over the past 100 years, the traditional mixing of generations in families and communities eroded. The strength of relationships between the old and young has waned, yet research shows powerful benefits from connection, role modeling, knowledge transfer, and the honoring of history that daily interaction between the generations can achieve. How can academic organizations and lifelong learners change our trajectory from generations apart to generations together, and, in the process, improve lives and strengthen communities? With ideas and observations from her decades of experience at CoGenerate (formerly Encore.org), Eunice Lin Nichols will inspire participants to use their strategic positions on college and university campuses to bring older and younger changemakers together for the greater good. 

CoGenerate is a leading nonprofit bringing older and younger generations together to solve problems, bridge divides, and cocreate the future. Eunice is a Next Avenue Influencer in Aging and a recipient of the James Irvine Foundation Leadership Award.


Eunice Lin Nichols, Co-CEO, CoGenerate


Wednesday, 11am - 12pm

Managing Burnout

Unfortunately, burnout, stress, and feeling overwhelmed have become part of the everyday for many, including Osher Institute leaders. Nevertheless, there are methods for combatting these issues. Managing burnout, for both oneself and those they supervise, starts with recognizing the signs of burnout, taking proactive steps, and caring for mental wellness. Ultimately, creating a happier and healthier work environment. Dr. Cassandra Vieten will explore methods for overcoming burnout.


Cassandra Vieten, PhD
Clinical Professor, Department of Family Medicine
Director, Center for MindfulnessCenters for Integrative Health
Director of Research and Development, Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination
Clinical Psychology Director, Psychedelics and Health Research Initiative
University of California, San Diego 


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