Links to External Lifelong Learning Resources
The following links provide information on a variety of organizations relative to lifelong learning and issues of interest to older adult learners. While these links are publicly available, more resources can be found within the Secure Login area of this website which are specific to the Osher Institute network and are proprietary to the Osher National Resource Center. Each Osher Institute’s leader has credentials for the secure site and the proprietary content is available to OLLI staff and volunteer leaders to aid in the operation and improvement of their Osher Lifelong Learning Institute programs.
United States Organizations with a Lifelong Learning Perspective
International Organizations with a Lifelong Learning Perspective
University of the Third Age (U3A, which is equivalent to Lifelong Learning Institutes) in other countries:
- Australia U3A Online: A Virtual University of the Third Age
- Canada Third Age Network (TAN)
- Harrow U3A Autonomous local U3A groups in the U.K.
- International Association of Universities of the Third Age
- Scotland University of Strathclyde
- United Kingdom U3A UK
- Virtual U3A
- World U3A