Comprehensive National Lifelong Learning Institute Directory

LLI DirectoryThe Osher NRC embarked on a collaborative project with The National Association for Area Agencies on Aging (N4A). This project, engAGED: The National Resource Center for Engaging Older Adults, is responsible for creating materials for use by the large community of service providers within the aging network. The Osher NRC is contributing to this undertaking as a representative of lifelong learning. As part of this effort, the NRC developed a comprehensive national lifelong learning institute directory. This Lifelong Learning Institute Directory includes both Osher Institutes and other independent programs. The directory is organized by state and city, and includes nearly 400 known Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI) programs throughout the US.

As we know, LLIs are constantly changing. More are being formed and a few close each year. When viewing the directory, if you find a college or university affiliated lifelong learning program that is not listed, please let us know by sending an email to

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