Students Services and Academic Advising Questions
I am a current MSDS student, can I transfer into the DSP degree?
If a student has already enrolled in any courses in MSDS, there are NO program moves from MSDS into DSP because DSP is a cohort-based program.
What if I encounter circumstances that require an Incomplete grade?
In rare circumstances, students may be granted a grade of incomplete, which is designated with a grade of Y. A student must get advance permission from the instructor and submit a Student Affairs Petition which needs to be approved in order to receive a grade of incomplete. Y grades will count as a 0.00 in a student’s grade point average until a final grade is submitted by the instructor.
When an instructor grants an incomplete, the instructor determines the amount of time the student has to finish the work within the maximum allotted one term of additional time.
For courses in which a grade Y was initially assigned, students must complete the course and the faculty must submit the grade change no later than the grading deadline of the following term, or the incomplete grade will be changed to a final grade of F (failure). Instructors may establish an earlier deadline for the completion of missing work, based on considerations specific to their course. Students with extenuating circumstances can petition for an extension through a Student Affairs Petition. In order to access the linked forms and documents, you will be required to enter your NetID and password.
Students cannot proceed to their next set of courses until all incomplete grades have been resolved due to required sequencing of prerequisite courses in DSP.
Students are not allowed to carry more than one incomplete (Y) grade at a time. Students who have two or more incomplete grades on their record will be placed on academic probation and not registered for additional classes until the incomplete work for at least one course is turned in with a grade entered in CAESAR. Students planning to graduate must complete required courses and receive grades before graduating.
Information for Students with Disabilities:
Northwestern University and AccessibleNU (ANU) are committed to providing a supportive and challenging environment for all students with disabilities who attend the University. The University and ANU work to provide students with disabilities a learning and community environment that affords them full participation, equal access, and reasonable accommodation of their disabilities.
It is important for a student who needs assistance with regard to any disability to notify ANU and SPS promptly for assistance in obtaining appropriate services.
Will graduates be able to walk in a commencement ceremony?
DSP students are eligible to attend University commencement and walk at SPS convocation held each June on the Northwestern University campus in Evanston, Illinois. Commencement dates and details can be found online.
I would like to visit the Chicago and Evanston campus, where can I find a copy of Northwestern's Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics?
DSP students are welcome to visit the University's Chicago and Evanston campuses.
As provided by the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, now known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, you are entitled to request and receive a copy of Northwestern University's Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. This Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Northwestern University; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from campus. The Report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies on drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, fire safety and other matters. A hard copy of the University's Annual Security Report(s) is available upon request by calling +1 847-467-6171. The Report can also be accessed and printed from the University Police.
What Career Services are available to me?
SPS partners at Great Learning have a direct presence in the Indian employment market and provide students with career prep, CV review, career mentoring, a job board, career fairs and recruitment drives. DSP students may contact +91 80 4718 8686 or for career advising and job placement opportunities. Great Learning resources are directly relevant to DSP students replacing the less-relevant career services at SPS, which are not a part of the programme.
Great Learning career services include:
Career Prep
Students will have access to detailed resume building and career guidance content, including:
CV Review
- Personalized feedback on the content and format of the CV
- Tips on how to make the CV more relevant to recruiters
1-on-1 Career Mentoring
- 1:1 live online sessions with experienced industry professionals
- Expert guidance toward a career path that is right for our students
- Suggestions on setting the short and long-term career goals
- Ability to choose mentors from various domains and learn industry-specific best practices
Job Board
Students will also have access to the curated Great Learning Job Board, where we source a stream of handpicked opportunities from hundreds of India’s top organizations.
"Excelerate" Career Fairs and Recruitment Drives
We connect our students with leading companies through exclusive career fairs and recruitment drives, which are organized once every three months.
Who should I contact with other questions?
Contact +91 80 4718 8686 or email for assistance.