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New Student Checklist

Visiting Students

New Student Checklist

Welcome to Northwestern University! This checklist will help you get started as a Summer Session Visiting Student.

  • Submit your Registration Form (see Registration tab)
  • PAY YOUR TUITION DEPOSIT: Tuition deposits should be paid within 3 to 5 days upon receiving instructions from the SPS Registrar's Office. NOTE: Tuition deposits are non-refundable, so be sure your class is available (you will receive an email from the SPS Registrar's Office if the class is full) and be sure you are committed to take the class. Your tuition deposit must be received by the University before you will be enrolled into your class, so paying within the 3-5 day period is important to assure there is space.
  • Activate your NetID
    Your NetID is your electronic identity at Northwestern. Many systems and records will require a NetID, including email, access to grades and transcripts, access to the campus wireless network and many Northwestern Library online resources. You must activate your NetID before you can use it. Instructions on how to activate your NetID will be included with your registration confirmation letter. For additional support or questions on NetID activation, please contact:

    NUIT Support Center
    (847) 491-HELP (4357)

  • Set up your Northwestern email account
    Once you activate your NetID, you can set up your Northwestern email account, also known as your account, and start using it for email, calendars, Google Sites and Google Docs, spreadsheets and presentations. All official communication from the University will be sent to your Northwestern email account, and students are expected to check their Northwestern email for messages. You do have the option of forwarding your Northwestern email to a different email address. Visit to log in to your Northwestern email, and for account options.
  • Evanston Campus WildCARD Office
    Norris University Center
    1999 Campus Drive, Underground Level
    (847) 467-6843

    Chicago Campus WildCARD Office
    343 E. Superior, 15th floor
    (312) 503-0548
    chicagowildcard@northwestern.eduGet your WildCARD (all-campus identification card)
    A Northwestern University identification card — a WildCARD — is required for access to University libraries, sports facilities, computer labs, use of the intercampus shuttle, and other services on campus. With your WildCARD, you can also receive discounts from local merchants. Please get your WildCARD at one of the following locations. You must bring a valid photo ID. More information is available at the Wildcat Office website

  • Visit the Northwestern University Health Services website
    You may choose to complete and submit your Admission Health Record form and insurance coverage information to facilitate access, and any potential visits, to on-campus health services during your time as a Visiting Student for the summer. You can find more information and forms at:
  • Purchase your books
    Books for your classes are at the campus bookstores. They are arranged by course and stocked by campus. If you are enrolled in classes on each campus, you must visit each bookstore to purchase your books.

    Evanston Campus — Norris Center Bookstore
    1999 S. Campus Drive
    Located on the ground level of Norris Center
    (847) 491-3990

    Chicago Campus — Abbott Hall Bookstore
    710 N. Lake Shore Drive, Room 100

    Located on the first floor of Abbott Hall
    (312) 503-8486

Additional Information for Visiting Students

Changes in Registration

Please review the enrollment summary you receive closely. Students who register for a course are considered enrolled for the duration and are expected to attend all sessions of the course for which they are registered. Excessive absences do not signal a student’s intent to drop or withdraw, and may be cause for failure in the course. If a student does formally drop or withdraw, the student is responsible to pay any tuition balance on the account, according to the refund schedule determined by Northwestern University Student Financial Services. See the Tuition and Fees page for instructions on adding and dropping classes, policies and refund provisions.

Please note: Summer Session tuition is billed per class. This creates specific policies regarding drop and withdrawal dates and how this might affect your tuition refund. BE SURE you understand the drop/withdrawal policies for summer. Courses must be dropped before the first day of class in order to receive a full tuition refund. If you need to drop a course after it has begun, please check the Withdrawal Calculator on the Student Finance website to check your refund amount.

Classroom Locations

Classroom locations are posted online approximately two weeks before the start of Summer Session.

Grades and Transcripts

You can view your grades and unofficial transcripts on CAESAR. Information on how to request your official transcript is here.

Student Financial Services

You can contact the Office of Student Finance for any questions regarding billing or payments. 

Office of Student Finance
555 Clark Street, 1st Floor
Evanston, IL 60208-1221
(847) 491-5224


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