School of Professional Studies | Northwestern University

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David Noffs

SPS Distance Learning

David Noffs

David Noffs

Senior Learning Designer


I have spent most of my life designing innovative and experimental learning environments, from my early work with hi-tech mobile classrooms in Australia’s rural communities, to over ten years as an instructional technologist and designer in the Center for Innovation in Teaching Excellence at Columbia College Chicago.

In 2015 I began teaching learning environment design at Northwestern University’s School of Professional Studies and then joined the Distance Learning team as a Learning Designer in 2017. In this role, I am able to do what I love most; help educators make learning a productive, enjoyable, and transformative experience.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Music from Roosevelt University and a Master’s Degree in Public Heath from Benedictine University. My doctoral dissertation in Adult and Continuing Education from National Louis University is titled “Resonating Frequencies of a Virtual Learning Community: An Ethnographic Case Study of Online Faculty Development at Columbia College Chicago.”