Elevate Your Professional Education

Northwestern University Center for Public Safety (NUCPS) offers internationally respected certificate courses and programs for law enforcement and public safety professionals at all experience and skill levels. Enhance your professional knowledge and proficiencies at NUCPS.

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New! NUCPS Regional Chapters

We are excited to offer the NUCPS community an opportunity to engage with each other on an entirely new level in Regional Chapters.  Get ready to explore new and innovative avenues for continued professional growth with other NUCPS course graduates through on-ground seminars, workshops, networking, and social events. Anyone who has completed one of our courses  — management and leadership, crash investigation and reconstruction, traffic engineering, police motorcycle, forensics, and others — are welcome to join the chapter of their choice! Whether you are actively employed or retired, work in a public safety agency or the private sector, took a class last month or 30 years ago, we look forward to your participation!

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Crash Division Announces New ADAS Course

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems for the Crash Reconstructionist


NUCPS announces the opening of enrollment for an all-new, exclusive Crash Investigation course. In Advanced Driver Assistance Systems for the Crash Reconstructionist, students will learn how current and developing ADAS technologies impact crash investigations and reconstructions in different collision scenarios. 

Register now for the inaugural course section near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 8 - 11, 2025. 

Course highlights include hands-on experience at a closed test facility.
Learn about what is available, how it works, and how ADAS features perform in collisions. After 3-1/2 days, participants will be able to:

  • Use available electronic data specifically tailored for ADAS systems;
  • Define performance parameters;
  • Formulate a plan to approach accident reconstruction involving ADAS;
  • Summarize ADAS technologies in current production and under development;
  • Identify applicable state & federal regulations; and,
  • Explain ADAS’ ethical and societal implications.

Students learn from the best. 
ACTAR-certified reconstructionist, former Ford Motor Co. and General Dynamics design engineer, and licensed professional engineer Alan Moore, PE, MBA, teaches participants how to determine if ADAS was installed, enabled, and functioned as designed in a vehicle associated with a crash. Moore demonstrates ADAS systems at work, and students obtain hands-on experience conducting tests and demonstrations on a closed test facility to evaluate ADAS performance.The course is interspersed with videos and photos, helping participants to understand the implications of this powerful new field.

Click to Learn More & Register Today!

NUCPS Stories

sgt angela smith
NUCPS Alumni Spotlight
Meet Sgt. Angela Smith, SPSC #531 & Crash Investigation's Fricke Cooper Achievement Award Recipient

“I enjoy being challenged. When we go outside our comfort zones is when we learn the most about ourselves and the world around us,” says Sgt. Angela Smith of the Wheaton (IL) Police Department about her law enforcement career. Smith recently took time to discuss the benefits of her NUCPS crash background, augmenting her interest in mentoring and leadership with lessons learned in SPSC #531, the current challenges of recruiting, and some of the positive changes in law enforcement culture that she has experienced in her 25-year career. Read the full interview >>

Read more alumni interviews & department news >>


Order Transcripts

We have partnered with Parchment for quick, automated transcript orders for School of Police Staff & Command and Supervision of Police Personnel. Click the below button to order. If you haven't used Parchment and need help, click here for downloadable step-by-step instructions.

Replacement  / duplicate certificates for all courses are available for purchase. Please contact Program Coordinator Sandra Mayfield at s-mayfield@northwestern.edu to order. Click here to start your order.


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email signature logos

Celebrating NUCPS Milestones

Celebrate your NUCPS achievements! Through the successful completion of specific courses, students can earn custom email signature logos and qualify to apply for our annual Executive Leadership Award and Fricke Cooper Achievement Award.   

Learn about Achievement Awards & Download Applications

Traffic Crash Reconstruction, New Edition

The newest edition of our classic text! All chapters are updated, enhanced, and feature new high-quality photos and graphics. Expanded topics include Monte Carlo Analysis, Motorcycle Reconstruction, Pedestrian / Bicycle, Heavy Trucks, and more. Authors include such industry leaders as Roger Barrette, Gary Cooper, Lynn Fricke, Brad Muir, Dr. Jeffrey Muttart, Lou Peck, Nathan Rose, and others. Click below to receive an immediate notice when Traffic Crash Reconstruction rolls off of the printing press!

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Crash reconstruction templates

Crash Templates & Textbooks

All of our crash templates and textbooks are available online through the Northwestern University Barnes & Noble Bookstore.

<< Important Note: Use the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the bookstore's website to search for your product. >> If you need help finding your book or template, please contact the Northwestern Barnes & Noble Bookstore at (847) 491-3991.

Visit the University Bookstore
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