Program Courses

Please note that course schedules may be amended due to low enrollment, faculty availability, and/or other factors.

MCW online workshops (411-DL, 413-DL, and 461-DL) and all online literature classes consist of ten synchronous zoom sessions held remotely at the time noted in the schedule. Attendance at these sessions is required.

MCW 570-DL : Seminar on Teaching Creative Writing


This seminar incorporates a theory-to-practice approach to teaching creative writing. Students examine different philosophies and modes of teaching - exercises, critical papers, workshopping creative work, and reading for writing. Topics include the workshop, how to teach revision, critical analysis and journaling, issues of craft, the job market, and how to apply for a teaching job. Students in this class develop ideas and material that they teach in community workshops and other educational events. (This course will be taught online.)

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