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Economics courses carry social science credit.

ECON 202-CN : Introduction to Economics II: Microeconomics


In a market economy, the interaction of buyers and sellers in many connected markets governs how the economy's resources are allocated. Market prices are determined by the decisions of all consumers and firms but mostly taken as given by any individual. We will construct models of the behavior of consumers and firms, and of the determination of prices in markets under a variety of conditions. We will examine the properties of the allocations, especially their efficiency, and the role of the government in these matters. Prerequisite: ECON 201.

Spring 2025
Start/End DatesDay(s)TimeBuildingSection
03/31/25 - 06/14/25W
6:15 – 9:15 p.m.Wieboldt Hall 71015
InstructorCourse LocationStatusCAESAR Course ID
Goodman, Joseph
Chicago Campus
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