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Political Science
Political science courses carry social science credit.

POLI_SCI 250-DL : Introduction to Comparative Politics


This course focuses on providing the key analytical tools to understand the domestic politics of countries around the world. We will explore how similar or different the political systems around Latin America, Africa, Asia, Western Europe, and other regions are. The course will address big questions such as: why some countries exhibit stronger states than others; why are some countries are economically successful, while others have failed; why democracy originated in Western Europe, and expanded around the world; what drives democratization in some countries and authoritarian stability in others; the functions of strong political parties and the consequences of their weaknesses for democracy; and what the rest of the world can teach us about the future of the U.S. Overall, students will acquire a good foundation in concepts, theories, and methodological approaches in the social sciences. This will enable better understanding of the political world and how it shapes your motivations, opportunities, and challenges.

This course is conducted completely online. A technology fee will be added to tuition.

Note: This course is limited to School of Professional Studies students only. Undergraduate students in other schools at Northwestern are not permitted to enroll in this course.

Additional Information:

Social sciences distribution course. Meets requirement for course that applies perspectives on power, justice, and equity with a global focus for some Bachelor of Science degrees.

Winter 2025
Start/End DatesDay(s)TimeBuildingSection
01/06/25 - 03/22/25Asynch
Asynch 20
InstructorCourse LocationStatusCAESAR Course ID
Encinas Zevallos, Daniel
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