Courses for Students Impacted by Coronavirus

Northwestern welcomes students from other institutions.

Northwestern University offers undergraduate course options for students whose studies have been disrupted by the coronavirus/COVID-19.

Spring Quarter, 2020

Online courses may be an option for students who have been impacted by coronavirus. The student-at-large option at Northwestern University School of Professional Studies (SPS) allows non-admitted students to enroll in SPS courses for credit.



Please contact Peter Kaye, SPS Assistant Dean, Undergraduate and Post-baccalaureate Programs, if you are an administrator looking for options for your students or if you have questions about course prerequisites.


If you are a student and are interested in taking courses at SPS, please follow these steps:

  • Contact your school’s registrar to determine the ability to transfer courses from Northwestern to your institution.
  • Once you have confirmed transferability, please complete this form.

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