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English literature courses carry humanities credit. 

ENGLISH 207-CN : Reading and Writing Fiction


Intended for students with little or no formal training in the elements of writing fiction, this course emphasizes the processes and assumptions unique to fiction writing and the development of a personal voice. Students analyze technique and form in works of various authors. Writing assignments include at least two stories developed and revised in a workshop format. Lectures, workshops, and individual conferences. May not be audited or taken P/N. Advanced composition course or equivalent writing experience strongly recommended.

Fall 2024
Start/End DatesDay(s)TimeBuildingSection
09/24/24 - 12/14/24M
6:15 – 9:15 p.m. 62
InstructorCourse LocationStatusCAESAR Course ID
Stolley, Lisa
Remote Campus
Schedule Notes :

This course will meet remotely, with weekly remote synchronous sessions held on the scheduled day.

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