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Biological Sciences
Biological sciences courses carry science credit. Lab courses may not be audited.

BIOL_SCI 203-CN : Genetics and Evolution


Fundamentals of genetics and evolution. From the rules of heredity to the complex genetics of humans, the methods and logic of genetics as applied to inheritance, development, neurobiology, and populations. The process and tempo of evolution, from natural selection to speciation, emphasizing how genetics plays a critical role.

Prerequisite: Students must have completed BIOL SCI 202-CN or BIOL SCI 219-CN with a grade of C- or better to register for this course.

Spring 2025
Start/End DatesDay(s)TimeBuildingSection
03/31/25 - 06/14/25M
6:15 – 9:15 p.m.Tech Institute LR462
InstructorCourse LocationStatusCAESAR Course ID
Nyberg, Kevin
Evanston Campus
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