AP® Summer Institute Online for High School Advanced Placement® Teachers

Northwestern University is pleased to offer teachers our highly evaluated, 100% remote AP® Summer Institute for the sixth year, featuring workshops across 16 subject areas and led by College Board-certified instructors. 

Why Northwestern's AP® Summer Institute?

• Learn from wherever is most convenient for you with a 100% remote format.

• Discover workshops designed for your skill level, with options for both new and experienced AP® teachers.

• Avoid screen burnout and maximize your learning flexibility with our innovative two-week workshop schedule that balances asynchronous activities with four live weeknight sessions.

•  Earn 30 hours of professional development per session.

Benefit from the unmatched combination of leading AP® educators and the experienced development team at Northwestern University School of Professional Studies.

Exchange ideas and network with other AP® teachers from around the country and around the world

Northwestern AP® Summer Institute Learning Outcomes

This course-specific training is designed to support new and experienced AP® teachers in all aspects of AP® course content, organization, and methodology. Institute leaders are recognized members of the AP® teaching community who are dedicated to improving student achievement through effective support of AP® professionals.

Key elements of these AP® training sessions are:

  • Structuring AP® courses
  • Responding to student feedback
  • Utilizing a variety of proven teaching methods
  • Preparing students for the AP® test while keeping the subject matter engaging
  • Developing AP® exam-taking strategies
  • Reviewing released AP® exams
  • Diagnosing scores: what constitutes a 3, 4, or 5?

Northwestern’s 2025 AP® Summer Institute will be offered in a remote format. Each session will be delivered over a two-week period. Each week will consist of approximately 15 hours of learning and activities (six hours synchronous, nine hours asynchronous) for a total of 30 contact hours.


Student doing calculus

The consultant did an amazing job. She kept the Zoom sessions engaging, effectively introduced us to tons of different resources, and helped us understand the CED, AP Classroom, and the expectations of the AP exam.”

2023 AP® Calculus AB workshop participant

This APSI was the best option for me, as I work full-time in the summer. The asynchronous work allowed me to work at my own pace.”

2023 AP® English Language and Composition workshop participant

Woman learning remotely
Female teacher reading from book

This course provided the perfect balance of instruction and individual exploration, and covered everything I needed in an interesting way. I feel I have a very clear understanding of how to apply the CED optimally in my classroom.”

2023 AP® English Literature and Composition workshop participant

About the Program

AP® Summer Institute Schedule

I wish more workshops were like this. It was definitely amazing and helpful, the way the classes were structured and spread out. I liked that it wasn't straight eight-hour workshops and it worked better with my schedule.”

2023 AP® Calculus AB workshop participant

Male student doing math on whiteboard
Male teacher with student

The consultant did an excellent job delivering instruction that was meaningful to both veteran AP teachers and the brand new teachers in the course. He was helpful and accessible.”

2023 AP® European History workshop participant

I liked the format. I also liked the fact that the consultant is an AP reader and has taught it for many years. It made me feel he really knows what we need to learn.”

2023 AP® Modern World History workshop participant

Person waving to others on video call

AP® Summer Institute Workshop Descriptions

Look over the AP® Summer Institute workshop descriptions page.


AP® Summer Institute Instructors

Read about the AP® Summer Institute instructors.


AP® Summer Institute Tuition and Registration

Find out more about the AP® Summer institute tuition and registration.


AP® Summer Institute Frequently Asked Questions

Explore the AP® Summer Institute frequently asked questions page.


Find out more about Northwestern's AP® Summer Institute

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