Human resource issues impact every company in some way. That's why it's important to understand the fundamental issues surrounding HR today. Offered in partnership with the Society of Human Resource Management, theSHRM 201-0 Essentials of Human Resourcescourse provides a solid overview of the key aspects of HR and provide tools you can immediately put to use in your organization.
A strong foundation of HR knowledge and competencies can make you a better manager, improve workplace morale and employee performance, and protect your organization from needless litigation. This course addresses the complex, real-world, and legal issues you face and is a must for anyone in the business of managing people.
Designed as a thoroughintroduction to HR basics, the SHRM Essentials of Human Resources course provides a solid foundation in human resource management and is effective training across multiple job responsibilities and career paths, including:
New and junior HR professionals who need to increase their knowledge base.
Small business owners or office managerswho perform the HR function for their company and business managers who want to learn basic HR best practices to avoid costly litigation.
New or experienced managers interested in learning more about employee management skills.
Representatives selling or supporting HR systems and services.
International HR personnel wishing to increase their knowledge of U.S. HR practices.
Job seekers who are investigating HR as a new career option or want to enhance their resume with HR skills.
The SHRM Essentials of HR Management course is approved for Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP credentials and recertification credit hours for HR Certification Institute credentials.
We also offer theSHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Prep course. Not sure which SHRM course is right for you? Compare programs and find out more.
The content is newly updated and you will acquire transferable skills and knowledge to better equip you to lead with purpose, maximize talent, champion culture, optimize intelligence, accelerate performance, and understand and comply with U.S. employment laws.
Talent development / performance management / total rewards
Champions Culture
Culture-building process
Belonging initiatives
HR's role in conflict
Compliance culture
Optimizes Intelligence
Technology types
Digital transformation and people analytics project frameworks
Accelerates Performance
Strategic planning process
Talent acquisition components
Workforce planning
Change audiences and models
Knows the Law
Protected classes
History of U.S. federal employment laws
Discrimination accusations best practices
Unlawful employment practices
Course Materials: Each SHRM Essentials of Human Resources course participant will receive access to the following:
Participant Guide that includes the content of the course in digital form. It addresses six key human resource topics, compiled into one comprehensive format for easy reference.
Online Study Tools: The Web-based tools are designed to support the Participant Guide. It provides added opportunities to review and master HR concepts, and gain confidence. The tools are available to all SHRM Essentials of Human Resources program participants and now offer fully integrated mobile capabilities to study on-the-go.
Certificate Requirements Essentials of Human Resources
To earn a "SHRM Essentials of HR Management" certificate from Northwestern University, students are only required to successfully complete the Essentials of HR Management core course (SHRM 201-0).
Instructors for this program have a range of expertise, specializations and work experience. Read about their qualifications on our Essentials of Human Resources Faculty page.
Find out more about Northwestern's Essentials of Human Resources
Contact Enrollment Advising
The Enrollment Advising Team at Northwestern University School of Professional Studies can be a resource to you for inquiries regarding our certificate programs.