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Political Science

POLI_SCI 344-0 : US Foreign Policy


How has the United States managed to maintain such a powerful position in global affairs? Will the U.S. remain a superpower? Or, is its power already in decline? Should the U.S. retire from being the 'world's policeman'? This course will arm students to address these questions by introducing them to diverse contemporary and historical perspectives on the U.S.' role in the world. It will also present students with an overview of how U.S. foreign policy is formulated in the halls of government. Finally, students will become familiar with key thematic issues in modern U.S. foreign policy, ranging from military interventions abroad to the rise of China.

This course counts toward the Weinberg College social and behavioral sciences distribution requirement, Area III.

This course is being offered as hybrid. Students may opt to come to campus or be remote.


Summer 2024
Start/End DatesDay(s)TimeBuildingSection
06/17/24 - 06/30/24MTuWThF
1 – 4 p.m.Kresge Hall 24351
InstructorCourse LocationStatusCAESAR Course ID
Krcmaric, Daniel
Evanston Campus
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