
Below is a list of requirements for acceptance into the certificate program. For specific questions regarding the admissions process, contact an adviser at 312-503-2579.

Programs with Writing Sample Requirements

Literature, Interdisciplinary COAGS

Writing Sample

The writing sample is a brief critical paper that demonstrates the ability to evaluate and analyze a literary text. It should not exceed 10 pages and should contain the following:

  • A clearly articulated argument and a concise support for that argument.
  • Documentation of quoted material and acknowledgement of ideas taken from the works of others.

Public Policy and Administration COAGS

Writing Sample

The writing sample should demonstrate the ability to present ideas and arguments in a manner appropriate to a graduate-level program and should not exceed 10 pages in length. The sample can be an academic paper, a short work-related memo or analysis, or an essay describing a critical public policy issue.

If you submit an academic paper, it should consist of the following:

  • A clearly articulated thesis on a topic drawn from public policy or a related discipline
  • An argument that persuasively supports the thesis and demonstrates an awareness of contrary arguments
  • Documentation of quoted material and acknowledgement of ideas taken from the works of others using an accepted academic style guide

If you submit a work-related analysis of a policy, problem, or program of which you are the sole author it should consist of the following:

  • A clear identification of the organizational issue in need of attention
  • An analysis of the issue and its importance to the organization
  • Well-reasoned action options and your final recommendations 

If you are submitting an essay it should be comprised of the following:

  • Describe what you see as one of the most critical public policy issues that faces the nation, your state, or your community
  • Provide a summary of a course of action you advocate to address this issue as if you were serving in a policy-making or administrative leadership role
  • Provide supporting justification for the action you are advocating

Writing, Interdisciplinary COAGS

Writing Sample

All applicants must submit a sample of writing for their application for admission. The portfolio should consist of one or more works totaling approximately 20 typed, double-spaced pages of prose, 15 to 20 pages of poetry, or the equivalent in published work. The quality of the writing portfolio is the primary (though not exclusive) basis on which admissions decisions are based.

Analytical Essay

Applicants also must submit a brief analytical paper (5 to 10 pages) demonstrating the ability to critically evaluate and analyze literature.

  • The analytical essay is used to evaluate one’s ability to critique literature using the tools of the trade. A strong essay will analyze themes used in the author's work, literary history, comparisons with additional literary pieces and any combination of these elements. Submissions should not be opinion based and should have citations.
    • If you choose to write a craft essay instead, it should outline how another author's short story, novel, poem or essay achieves its effects (what particular elements of the craft of writing does the author use in order to achieve its effect).

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