How can you prepare for today’s technical and managerial positions?

The best jobs today, demanding and rewarding jobs, often involve working with data and systems, making sense out of data, and communicating research results into words that others can understand. Data science training prepares you for these jobs.  

Organizations are looking for analysts, researchers, programmers, modelers, and data engineers—technical specialists who understand data and systems.

Organizations are looking for database administrators, technical team leaders, and IT professionals—managers who understand business requirements and can convert research results into information to guide decisions.

Whether you seek a technical or managerial position, earning a Master of Science in Data Science from Northwestern University is a good way to get the training you need, training relevant to today’s data-driven, data-intensive world.


Data Science Career Potential

  • The employment market for data scientists is robust, with a growing need for qualified data engineers. According to a recent jobs report by Glassdoor list of the 50 best jobs in America by number of job openings, salary, and overall job satisfaction, Data Scientist is ranked #1 with more than 4,000 job openings, Data Engineer is ranked #3 with more than 2,500 job openings, and Analytics Manager is ranked #5 with almost 2,000 job openings.
  • Across a recent five-year period, number of data engineers has grown to half the number of data scientists. The number of data scientists more than doubled over those five years, and the number of data engineers sextupled.
  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides listings of high-growth job titles. Training in data science is relevant many job titles, including statistician, computer systems analyst, software developer, database administrator, and computer network analyst, data scientist, data analyst, data engineer, and data manager.
  • Computer systems providers use “big data” to refer to increases in the quantity, speed, and variety of data flowing into organizations. Data scientists are needed to manage the large quantities of data coming into organizations and to utilize data in making informed decisions.
  • “Artificial intelligence” or “AI” is a popular topic. Data scientists work with machine learning methods, which are the heart of AI systems.
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