Online Enterprise Leadership Course Schedule

View Enterprise Leadership core, concentration, and distribution course schedules and descriptions.
Philosophy courses carry humanities credit.

PHIL 264-DL : Professional Ethics


This course is an introduction to philosophical and moral issues in professional ethics. We will examine the nature of a profession and the reasons professional ethics are necessary, and we will look at specific moral issues like deception, confidentiality, whistleblowing, and sustainability. We will look in detail at moral issues in specific professions like medicine, business, law, and public health, though the course is intended as an introduction to professional ethics in general. This is a philosophy course, so our aim is not to memorize a list of do's and don'ts. Rather, our goal is to understand and critically assess the moral theories and principles that ethicists have developed to address problems in professional ethics. This course will thus help you develop your skills in understanding, analyzing, and constructing arguments.

The course is conducted completely online. A technology fee will be added to tuition.

Note: This course is limited to School of Professional Studies students only. Undergraduate students in other schools at Northwestern are not permitted to enroll in this course.

Additional Information:

Humanities distribution course. Meets requirement for philosophy course on professional ethics for online Bachelor of Science degrees.

Fall 2024
Start/End DatesDay(s)TimeBuildingSection
09/24/24 - 12/14/24Asynch
Asynch 20
InstructorCourse LocationStatusCAESAR Course ID
Horne, Chad
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