Online Enterprise Leadership Course Schedule

View Enterprise Leadership core, concentration, and distribution course schedules and descriptions.
Sociology courses carry social science credit.

SOCIOL 201-DL : Social Inequality


Despite the fact that equality is one of the most commonly held values in the United States, we live in a deeply unequal society. These inequalities fall along many demographic lines, including lines of race and class. In this course, students will learn how social inequalities function in society, with a focus on both systems of race and class. Students will learn several foundational theories of race and class and then examine how these theories unfold in a variety of institutional settings. We will cover how race and class play various roles in: education, families, work places, healthcare, incarceration, neighborhoods and housing, popular culture, and the political system. Students will have several opportunities to select topics that are of interest to them for further exploration.

This course is conducted completely online. A technology fee will be added to tuition.

Note: This course is limited to School of Professional Studies students only. Undergraduate students in other schools at Northwestern are not permitted to enroll in this course.

Additional Information:

Social Sciences distribution course. Meets requirement for course with focus on diversity and inclusion within the United States for some online Bachelor of Science degrees.

Fall 2024
Start/End DatesDay(s)TimeBuildingSection
09/24/24 - 12/14/24Asynch
Asynch 20
InstructorCourse LocationStatusCAESAR Course ID
Kolber, Jesse
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