Molecular Biology : BIOL_SCI 201-CN |
This course is part of the four-course introductory biology
sequence. Students will learn about the basics of molecular
biology, including the structure of macromolecules, DNA
replication, transcription, and translation and the mechanisms by
which these processes are regulated. Students will also learn
current biotechnology methods used to study molecular biology.
Credit not allowed for both BIOL SCI 201 and BIOL SCI 215. Students
who have previously completed BIOL SCI 215 should not register for
this course.
View BIOL_SCI 201-CN Sections
Cell Biology : BIOL_SCI 202-CN |
This course is part of the four-course introductory biology
sequence. The cell biology course covers mechanisms the cell uses
to compartmentalize and transport proteins, to move, to regulate
growth and death, and to communicate with their environments.
This course should be taken concurrently with BIOL SCI 232.
Credit not allowed for both BIOL SCI 219 and BIOL SCI 202. Students
who have previously completed BIOL SCI 219 should not register for
this course.
Prerequisite: Students must have completed BIOL SCI 201 or 215 with
a grade of C- or better to register for this course.
View BIOL_SCI 202-CN Sections
Genetics and Evolution : BIOL_SCI 203-CN |
Fundamentals of genetics and evolution. From the rules of
heredity to the complex genetics of humans, the methods and logic
of genetics as applied to inheritance, development, neurobiology,
and populations. The process and tempo of evolution, from natural
selection to speciation, emphasizing how genetics plays a critical
Prerequisite: Students must have completed BIOL SCI 202-CN or BIOL
SCI 219-CN with a grade of C- or better to register for this
View BIOL_SCI 203-CN Sections
Cellular and Molecular Processes Lab : BIOL_SCI 232-CN |
This is the first course in a three-quarter sequence of
introductory biology laboratory. The course is designed to provide
students with an authentic laboratory experience that investigates
relevant scientific research and teaches scientific inquiry skills
such as experimental design, writing research proposals, data
collection, data analysis/interpretation, and the presentation of
results. The experimental model revolves around atherosclerosis and
macrophage phagocytosis of apoptotic cells. Students will learn and
become proficient at various cell and molecular biology
This course should be taken concurrently with BIOL SCI 202.
Credit not allowed for both BIOL SCI 221 and BIOL SCI 232. Students
who have previously completed BIOL SCI 221 should not register for
this course.
View BIOL_SCI 232-CN Sections
Genetics and Molecular Processes Lab : BIOL_SCI 233-CN |
This is the second course in a three-quarter sequence of
introductory biology laboratory. The course is designed to provide
students with an authentic laboratory experience that investigates
relevant scientific research and teaches scientific inquiry skills
such as experimental design, writing research proposals, data
collection, data analysis/interpretation, and the presentation of
results. The experimental model revolves around aggregate prone
proteins in nematodes and how RNA interference (RNAi) can be used
to affect protein folding and the clearance of protein aggregates.
Students will learn and become proficient at various cell and
molecular biology techniques.
Credit not allowed for both BIOL SCI 220 and BIOL SCI 233. Students
who have previously completed BIOL SCI 220 should not register for
this course.
Prerequisite: BIOL SCI 232
View BIOL_SCI 233-CN Sections
Investigative Lab : BIOL_SCI 234-CN |
This course is the culminating life-science lab experience in
the biology lab sequence. Students design and generate reagents
that can be used in larger experiments. The topic varies from year
to year, but typically revolves around the sub-cloning of a
specific gene fused to a reporter for detection.
Credit not allowed for both BIOL SCI 222 and BIOL SCI 234. Students
who have previously completed BIOL SCI 222 should not register for
this course.
Prerequisite: BIOL SCI 233.
View BIOL_SCI 234-CN Sections
Biochemistry : BIOL_SCI 308-CN |
This course covers basic concepts in biochemistry, emphasizing
the structure and function of biological macromolecules,
fundamental cellular biochemical processes, and the chemical logic
in metabolic transformations.
Students who have previously completed BIOL SCI 218 should not
register for this course.
Prerequisites: Students must have completed, or be currently
enrolled in, CHEM 215-A or CHEM 215-B or CHEM 215-C.
View BIOL_SCI 308-CN Sections
Human Physiology : BIOL_SCI 310-CN |
An exploration of the functions of the human body at the tissue,
organ, and organ system level. Emphasis on homeostatic mechanisms
and interdependence within organs and organ systems and the
influence of modulatory systems. Topics will include, but are not
limited to: nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal
Prerequisite: CHEM 131
View BIOL_SCI 310-CN Sections
Quantitative Problem Solving in Chemistry : CHEM 110-CN |
Solution strategies for traditional word problems and their
application to basic chemistry quantitative problems: dimensional
analysis, chemical equations, stoichiometry, limiting reagents
View CHEM 110-CN Sections
Fundamentals of Chemistry I : CHEM 131-CN |
Quantum mechanics, electronic structure, periodic properties of
the elements, chemical bonding, thermodynamics, intermolecular
forces, properties of solids and liquids, special topics in modern
This course is required to be taken concurrently with CHEM
141-CN Fundamentals of Chemistry Lab I. Additionally, while the
material in the inorganic chemistry lecture and lab courses is
intended to be linked, students should not expect the lecture and
lab content to always align.
Prerequisite: completion of CHEM 110-CN (grade of C- or better),
or current enrollment in CHEM 110-CN.
View CHEM 131-CN Sections
Fundamentals of Chemistry II : CHEM 132-CN |
Solutions and colligative properties, chemical equilibrium,
aqueous solution equilibria, chemical kinetics, metals in chemistry
and biology, oxidation-reduction reactions and electrochemistry,
special topics in modern chemistry.
This course is required to be taken concurrently with CHEM
142-CN Fundamentals of Chemistry Lab II. Additionally, while the
material in the inorganic chemistry lecture and lab courses is
intended to be linked, students should not expect the lecture and
lab content to always align.
Prerequisite: completion of CHEM 131-CN and CHEM 141-CN (grade
of C- or better), or current enrollment in CHEM 131-CN/CHEM
View CHEM 132-CN Sections
Fundamentals of Chemistry Lab I : CHEM 141-CN |
Chemical analysis of real samples using basic laboratory
techniques including titration, colorimetric analysis, density
measurements, and atomic spectroscopy. Planning, data collection,
interpretation, and reporting on experiments. Credit for this
course is 0.34 units.
This course is required to be taken concurrently with CHEM
131-CN Fundamentals of Chemistry I. Additionally, while the
material in the inorganic chemistry lecture and lab courses is
intended to be linked, students should not expect the lecture and
lab content to always align.
Prerequisite: completion of CHEM 110 (grade of C– or better), or
current enrollment in CHEM 110-CN.
View CHEM 141-CN Sections
Fundamentals of Chemistry Lab II : CHEM 142-CN |
General Chemistry Lab 2 is a laboratory course in which
techniques applied to materials science and nanotechnology,
acid-base chemistry, and chemical kinetics will be employed. Major
objectives involve work involving planning, data collection,
interpretation, and reporting on experiments. Credit for this
course is 0.34 units.
This course is required to be taken concurrently with CHEM
132-CN Fundamentals of Chemistry II. Additionally, while the
material in the inorganic chemistry lecture and lab courses is
intended to be linked, students should not expect the lecture and
lab content to always align.
Prerequisite: completion of CHEM 131-CN and CHEM 141-CN (grade
of C- or better), or current enrollment in CHEM 131-CN/CHEM
View CHEM 142-CN Sections
Organic Chemistry I : CHEM 215-A |
Foundational concepts in organic chemistry will be introduced.
Topics include structure and properties of common functional
groups, acidity/basicity, conformational analysis, stereochemistry,
and reactivity of organic compounds. The chemistry of hydrocarbons,
alkyl halides, and alcohols, ethers, and carbonyl compounds will be
This course is required to be taken concurrently with CHEM 235-A
Organic Chemistry Lab I. Additionally, while the material in the
organic chemistry lecture and lab courses is intended to be linked,
students should not expect the lecture and lab content to always
Prerequisite: completion of CHEM 132 and CHEM 142 with a grade of
C- or better, or equivalent transfer credit with qualifying score
on the Chemistry Placement Exam.
View CHEM 215-A Sections
Organic Chemistry II : CHEM 215-B |
Fundamental concepts in organic chemistry will be covered. The
topics will include important functional groups and will include:
nomenclature, structure, properties, and multi-step synthesis.
Reaction mechanisms for organic transformations will be presented,
and synthesis strategies will be covered. The chemistry of pi
systems and aromatic ring system, amines, and carboxylic acids and
their derivatives, and enol/enolate species will be included.
This course is required to be taken concurrently with CHEM 235-B
Organic Chemistry Lab II. Additionally, while the material in the
organic chemistry lecture and lab courses is intended to be linked,
students should not expect the lecture and lab content to always
Prerequisite: completion of CHEM 215-A and CHEM 235-A with a grade
of C- or better.
View CHEM 215-B Sections
Organic Chemistry III : CHEM 215-C |
Advanced concepts in modern organic chemistry will be
introduced. The material will focus on recent developments in
synthetic organic chemistry, including: concerted/pericyclic
reactions, catalysis, green/environmental chemistry, automated
synthesis, and combinatorial/screening methods. Additional topics
will include an introduction to materials and polymer
This course is required to be taken concurrently with CHEM 235-C
Organic Chemistry Lab III. Additionally, while the material in the
organic chemistry lecture and lab courses is intended to be linked,
students should not expect the lecture and lab content to always
Prerequisite: completion of CHEM 215-B and CHEM 235-B with a
grade of C- or better.
View CHEM 215-C Sections
Organic Chemistry Lab I : CHEM 235-A |
Standard laboratory techniques in organic chemistry will be
covered. Techniques will focus on the isolation and purification of
organic compounds as well as the use of spectroscopic methods to
determine identity and purity. The results of the technique-based
modules will be communicated by completion of short on-line
worksheets. One complete organic experiment, including reaction
set-up, product isolation, and preparation of samples for
characterization will be performed. The results of the complete
experiment will be communicated in a full formal lab report.
This course is required to be taken concurrently with CHEM 215-A.
Additionally, while the material in the organic chemistry lecture
and lab courses is intended to be linked, students should not
expect the lecture and lab content to always align.
Prerequisite: completion of CHEM 132 and CHEM 142 with a grade of
C- or better, or equivalent transfer credit with qualifying score
on the Chemistry Placement Exam.
View CHEM 235-A Sections
Organic Chemistry Lab II : CHEM 235-B |
Complete laboratory experiments focusing on standard synthetic
organic chemistry will be conducted each week. Students will
complete a prelab worksheet including stoichiometric calculations,
prediction of reaction outcome, and identification of safety
protocols. During lab sessions, experimental work including
chemical measurement, reaction setup/workup, and product
purification will be performed. Product characterization using
spectroscopic techniques will be required. Reports from
experimental work will be reported in formal lab reports following
guidelines from peer-reviewed journals.
This course is required to be taken concurrently with CHEM 215-B.
Additionally, while the material in the organic chemistry lecture
and lab courses is intended to be linked, students should not
expect the lecture and lab content to always align.
Prerequisite: completion of CHEM 215-A and CHEM 235-A with a grade
of C- or better.
View CHEM 235-B Sections
Organic Chemistry Lab III : CHEM 235-C |
Advanced concepts in modern organic chemistry will be
introduced. The material will focus on recent developments in
synthetic organic chemistry, including: concerted/pericyclic
reactions, catalysis, green/environmental chemistry, automated
synthesis, and combinatorial/screening methods. Additional topics
will include an introduction to materials and polymer
This course is required to be taken concurrently with CHEM
215-C. Additionally, while the material in the organic chemistry
lecture and lab courses is intended to be linked, students should
not expect the lecture and lab content to always align.
Prerequisite: completion of CHEM 215-B and CHEM 235-B with a
grade of C- or better.
View CHEM 235-C Sections
Foundations of Human Movement : KINS 237-CN |
An introductory course examining the biomechanical and
physiological factors contributing to the control of human
movement. This course concentrates on the biomechanical principles
of the musculoskeletal system and how these principles impact
global human movements as well as joint-specific movement. It will
also encompass the foundational physiology of muscle tissue and how
it facilitates movement about a joint. Learning experiences will
include self-paced online modules, in-person lectures,
laboratories, and task analysis activities to foster the ability to
comprehend the foundational principles that drive human
View KINS 237-CN Sections
College Physics I : PHYSICS 130-A |
This is the first quarter of a three-quarter algebra-based
physics course with lecture and laboratory. Physics is the most
basic of the sciences, dealing with the behavior and structure of
matter. Lectures and labs illustrate physical principles:
mechanics, motion, momentum and energy, and fluids. Continues in
winter and spring quarters as PHYSICS 130-B, C.
Requires concurrent enrollment in the PHYSICS 131-A lab. Two lab
sections are available in in Fall quarter; lab times are Tuesdays
8:00-9:50 pm or Saturdays 2:00-3:50 pm.
Prerequisite: college algebra or higher college math course.
View PHYSICS 130-A Sections
College Physics II : PHYSICS 130-B |
This course is the continuation of PHYSICS 130-A algebra-based
physics with lecture and laboratory; the sequence concludes with
PHYSICS 130-C in the spring quarter. Harnessing the forces of
electrical power; how they have altered the way we live and
perceive ourselves in the universe. Lecture demonstrations
illustrate physical principles: electricity and magnetism, DC and
AC circuits. Must be taken concurrently with PHYSICS 131-B
Physics Laboratory II. Labs will meet for the first time after the
first lecture session. Prerequisite: completion of PHYSICS 130-A or
current enrollment in PHYSICS 130-A.
View PHYSICS 130-B Sections
College Physics III : PHYSICS 130-C |
This course is the continuation of PHYSICS 130-A,B. Wave motion,
optics, and introduction to the basic concepts of modern physics
including quantum mechanics, relativity, and atomic physics. The
course focuses on conceptual understanding of basic physical
principles and their real-world applications. Demonstration
experiments will be used to illustrate physical phenomena and
concepts. Must be taken concurrently with PHYSICS 131-C
Physics Laboratory III. Lab times are Tuesdays 8:00-9:50 pm or
Saturdays 2:00-3:50 pm. Labs will meet for the first time after the
first lecture session. Prerequisite: completion of PHYSICS 130-B or
current enrollment in PHYSICS 130-B.
View PHYSICS 130-C Sections
Physics Laboratory I : PHYSICS 131-A |
This is the laboratory course associated with PHYSICS 130-A and
must be taken concurrently. Credit for this course is .34
View PHYSICS 131-A Sections
Physics Lab II : PHYSICS 131-B |
This is the laboratory course associated with PHYSICS 130-B and
must be taken concurrently. Credit for this course is .34
View PHYSICS 131-B Sections
Physics Lab III : PHYSICS 131-C |
This is the laboratory course associated with PHYSICS 130-C and
must be taken concurrently. Credit for this course is .34
View PHYSICS 131-C Sections
Interprofessional Health Practice : PRO_HLTH 390-DL |
Interprofessional education is important for preparing health
professions students to provide patient care in a collaborative
team environment, as an interprofessional approach leads to
improved patient outcomes. Interprofessional Health Practice
promotes the development of skills and attitudes needed to work
effectively in a healthcare community. Through case studies, role
play, interactive activities, reflection, and research, students
will increase their knowledge in the four core competencies of
interprofessional work as outlined by the Interprofessional
Education Collaborative (IPEC).
View PRO_HLTH 390-DL Sections
Professional Health Careers Proseminar I : PRO_HLTH 396-A |
Prohealth Proseminar I will meet during the first fall quarter
of the students’ pre-health program to prepare students to succeed
in the professional health careers program. This proseminar series
will be completed by PROHLTH 396-B: Prohealth Proseminar II in the
students’ final winter quarter. This non-credit course covers
topics including adjusting to life as a science student, academic
resources, extracurricular resources, and preparing for the
professional/medical school application process. There is no
tuition charged for this course.
Enrollment in this course is limited to students in SPS
professional health careers certificate programs. Only students in those programs will
be able to register for the course.
View PRO_HLTH 396-A Sections