Pre-Health Professional Student Group

Students' shared sense of purpose and support for one another is most obvious in the activities of the Northwestern University Pre-Health Professionals student group. The NUPP group is first and foremost a community dedicated to the successful admission of its members into programs that lead to careers in medicine, health, and veterinary practice. In addition, NUPP serves as a forum for the discussion and presentation of professional and academic experiences, as a collective resource of relevant information, as a social network and as a representative for the body of non-traditional pre-health students and their unique needs. Any questions or interest in getting involved can be directed to

Sarah Clark

NUPP is a great resource for students looking for informal guidance and resources on how to navigate a rigorous course load on top of working, volunteering, and doing research in the time leading up to applying to a professional health program.”

Sarah Clark, Premed student; NUPP executive secretary and peer mentor


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