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Biological Sciences
Biological sciences courses carry science credit. Lab courses may not be audited.

BIOL_SCI 317-CN : Regional Human Anatomy Lab


This is a lab course utilizing prosections and demonstrations of human cadavers. It is an advanced anatomy course examining the details of human body systems. Topics include: Body wall and cavities, contents and features of the thorax and abdomen (cardiac, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal systems), pelvis (genito-urinary system), spinal cord and back, innervation and blood supply of the upper and lower limbs, cranial cavities and contents, cranial nerves and blood supply of the head and neck. The majority of the coursework will be done in the cadaver lab, with limited lectures to introduce topics. The lab work will be guided by a lab workbook, handouts and instructor demonstrations. Models, bones (skeletal materials), skulls, and medical images will supplement the cadaver prosections. Lab work will be assessed by the weekly lab assignment, three practical quizzes and a written final exam. A research project will be assigned to allow the student to bridge their knowledge of lab anatomy with more clinical concepts. Students are expected to follow all lab safety guidelines including the cadaver lab dress code; also students should show respect for the cadavers at all times.

Credit for this course is 0.34 units. Enrollment is in the course limited to 15 total, and is limited to students in professional health careers certificate programs.

Prerequisite: BIOL SCI 313. Only students who have completed the prerequisite will be able to register for this course.

Spring 2025
Start/End DatesDay(s)TimeBuildingSection
03/31/25 - 06/14/25Tu
6 – 9 p.m. 14
InstructorCourse LocationStatusCAESAR Course ID
Janczak, Maxwell
Chicago Campus
Schedule Notes :

This lab course will meet on campus on Tuesdays. To register, email to request a permission number. Students should obtain a permission number before and enroll by March 15.

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