Course Descriptions and Schedule

Interdisciplinary Studies in Writing Certificate Requirements

Four Units of any Writing Courses

May include Writing Workshops, an independent study (not to exceed one), Publishing and Professional Development courses, MCW 575 The Publishing Industry: Literary Presses and Journals, MCW 579 Practicum in Teaching Creative Writing, MCW 580 Practicum in Publishing, any graduate literature course, any MCW 490 elective course, or any other related courses identified by the SPS Graduate Office..

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MCW 413-0 : Fiction Workshop


This course will focus on the craft of fiction through examination of student work, analysis of published works of fiction, and discussion of aspects of craft such as characterization, plot, narrative voice, dialogue, and description. Students will share works in progress, provide constructive criticism to fellow writers, generate new work, and complete reading assignments provided by the instructor. In addition to regular reading assignments, each student will complete two full short stories or novel sections and revise one of them. Part seminar and part workshop, this class is appropriate for students in any year of the program.

Fall 2024
Start/End DatesDay(s)TimeBuildingSection
09/24/24 - 12/14/24Th
7 – 9:30 p.m.University Hall 11850
InstructorCourse LocationStatusCAESAR Course ID
Makkai, Rebecca
Evanston Campus
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