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Enrollment in journalism courses is limited to 15. Journalism classes may not be audited and do not satisfy distribution requirements.

JRN_WRIT 201-B : Visual Storytelling


This course helps students find their writing voice through independent reporting, coaching and class critiques. It emphasizes visual story telling -- i.e., photos and text together. This course focuses on reaching a specific audience -- professional, academic, familial. It does so by allowing the student to select an appropriate topic for a photo essay. Students research, report and write their stories which become the script for a final project that resembles a slideshow. Coaching and class critiques help students along the way.

Spring 2025
Start/End DatesDay(s)TimeBuildingSection
03/31/25 - 06/14/25M
6:15 – 9:15 p.m. 12
InstructorCourse LocationStatusCAESAR Course ID
Nelson, David
Remote Campus
Schedule Notes :

This course will meet remotely, with weekly remote synchronous sessions held on the scheduled day.

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